do it yourself visibility challenge

Grow your audience without losing your sanity.

Join my DO IT YOURSELF 6 week strategic visibility challenge to grow your audience and get you ready to launch and fill your offer, without posting ten times a day. Get ready for a super successful launch and make sure the right people know about your business and the amazing opportunity to work with you!

do it yourself visibility challenge

Grow your audience without losing your sanity.

Join my DO IT YOURSELF 6 week strategic visibility challenge to grow your audience and get you ready to launch and fill your offer, without posting ten times a day. Get ready for a super successful launch and make sure the right people know about your business and the amazing opportunity to work with you!


Here are 10 signs that you have a visibility problem:

  • You hate networking so you avoid it like the plague and when you do go you only speak to the people you already know

  • Your offers are brilliant but you always fill less than half of the spaces you wanted to sell

  • You don't have much work in the pipeline and you've got a squeaky bum about it.

  • Posting feels pointless because most the time it feels like you're talking to yourself.

  • Social media makes you feel like shit.

  • You have little to no traffic to your website

  • When you speak to people you've known for ages they say "Oh I didn't know you did that" and it makes you want to scream into a pillow

  • When you see a post asking for recommendations for help with the exact thing you do, nobody tags you and it makes you feel like crap.

  • You still wonder if you have what it takes to make this business work

  • Your email list is tiny (or non-existent)

If you're nodding your head in agreement (or feel triggered) please know you're not alone.

You don't have a lack of awesomeness, you have a lack of visibility.

It's time to be seen

Over the next 6 weeks, you will receive daily tasks to your inbox to help you grow your audience and increase awareness of your business. But it's not free, if you don't have skin in the game it'll be another thing you sign up to and don't do. And also, I've got my kids to feed.

The first reason people aren’t working with you is because they don’t know who you are or what you do. I’d like to help you change that.

If you:

  • are feeling invisible or struggling to get your business or services seen by the right people.

  • know that you're playing small.

  • are ready and open to challenges.

  • want to be brave but benefit from the security and support of a small group behind you

  • want to launch something and know you need the audience to sell to

Then you will benefit from joining this challenge.

so how does it work?

Here's what happens when you join:

Join the


You will be onboarded into the challenge- as soon as you join you will receive an email with the full challenge guide (both colour and printer friendly versions!)

Do the daily tasks (10-20 mins a day)

Each task will be super targeted and should take no longer than 10-20 minutes each day. You’ll be growing your audience strategically without spending your whole day on social media.

Get daily

task reminders

As well as the full challenge guide you have the option to opt in to the daily task reminders. If you opt in, you'll also receive a daily task email during the challenge

the 5 things you need to get your audience to buy

How we'll build your visibility:


letting your audience know that you and your services exist- so they will keep you in mind for when they're ready


educating your audience about the outcomes and benefits of your services so they'll remember you 7 buy from you


getting the emotional buy-in. Getting your audience excited about the results you are offering or will be offering


how you can recognise and respond to buying signals, taking names and deposits to accelerate your cash.


They understand the cost of not solving the problem far outweighs the cost of the solution and they are ready to take action

We’ll be doing one strategic task a day, focused on calling in the right people and getting them engaged so that by the time you launch they’re ready to hear about what you have to offer.

“Clair helped me find out why I didn't want to use my voice or be seen ... .quite the disadvantage when you need to be visible to sell your shit. She helped me turn my business around when I felt utterly lost about who I was talking to and why”

Join the Visibility Challenge DIY

Here's what you get:

  • The full Visibility Challenge guide sent straight to your inbox

  • Daily task reminders sent straight to your inbox

  • An amazing strategy for building your visibility and audience before you launch!

Today Just

£49 one time payment

OR come and join the LIVE challenge:

Upgrade to the LIVE Visibility Challenge- with Whatsapp community and live feedback from me during the challenge for just £50 more:

"Clair is amazing "

"Her no-nonsense straight talking approach, sense of humour, candid outlook on life, and excellent knowledge of her field, makes her a great person to work with. "

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